Are Private Swim Lessons Worth It?

private swim lesson

Swimming is a great skill to have. From competitive sports to just honing your basic survival skills, learning to swim is something that many Americans enjoy. Knowing how to swim…

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7 Tips for Cutting Back on Sugar

(7 Tips to Cut Back Your Sugar Intake) Article by: JACQUELINE KAMINSKI, NASM SUGAR IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL…right? Or is this school of thought somewhat outdated? Sugar… Let’s…

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squat alternatives for legs

Article by KINSEY MAHAFFEY, NASM 8 OF THE BEST SQUAT ALTERNATIVES FOR STRONGER LEGS What leg exercises can you do to get stronger legs without having to do squats? I’m…

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Active Agers and fitness at UAC

Silver Sneakers

Staying active is an important part of maintaining health no matter what age you may be but for older adults, exercising appropriately can be critical to keeping your body moving.…

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Chin-ups vs Pull-ups

chin-ups vs pull-ups

Both chin-ups (supinated) and pull-ups (pronated) are great movements for strength, muscle, and performance; they’re (unsurprisingly) similar from a muscular standpoint in that they mostly target the same muscle groups,…

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The Exercise You Should Be Doing #4

📝 It’s easy to categorize an exercise like split squats and lunges as knee-dominant since they involve a “push” through the front leg. Likewise, exercises that involve a “pull” through…

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