Stay Fit During Festivities: Your Ultimate Holiday Workout Plan

Stay Fit During Festivities: Your Ultimate Holiday Workout Plan

As Americans, it is synonymous with our culture to look forward to the holidays. Often, they are filled with family, food, travel, and much-needed downtime away from the responsibilities of your nine-to-five (or equivalent thereof), making it the perfect time to incorporate a holiday workout plan.


From the summer holidays and travel to Labor Day weekend at the close of the summer season to the big winter holidays, which often focus on food and getting together with loved ones, sometimes we forget to incorporate fitness into our holiday itineraries. Here are a few quick tips from Universal Athletic Club (UAC) to encourage baseline fitness leading up to and through the hectic holiday season.


Establishing Base Fitness Ahead of the Holiday Season


It can be tough to keep up with your routine when you are traveling for the holidays. It can be even harder to try and incorporate a fitness routine into the mix during the holiday season. UAC recommends that you commit to building a base level of fitness ahead of your holiday travels so that you can continue to build and maintain strength and conditioning.


Signing up for a fitness class such as Pilates, yoga, or cycling can help you establish a baseline before your holiday plans. These instructor-led classes can get you into a schedule and routine that you can hold yourself accountable to ahead of the holiday season. Whether you are trying to build strength, flexibility, or cardio, instructor-led group fitness courses are suitable for individuals of all fitness levels and can be a great motivator.


Maintaining Fitness During the Holiday Season


With unavoidable travel for family activities and big holiday dinners, you may find yourself far from your local gym. It is important to incorporate some activity into your holiday plans. If you have set yourself up for success, you have developed a good fitness base for cardio and strength conditioning a month or two ahead of any holiday disruptions.


Whether you have been swimming laps at your local fitness center or have been building up your running cardio training for that half-marathon, Tough Mudder, or upcoming Spartan Race, you can build a light activity schedule to keep your holiday active and maintain fitness. If you know you are traveling away for the holidays, a little legwork can help you produce a basic holiday workout plan.


Some Tips for Holiday Travelers to Maintain Fitness


First, you will want to scope out the resources available to you. If you have been running regularly, do a bit of research into the local trails surrounding the area you will be traveling to. Are you heading to Beaverton, OR? Forest Park is an urban, easy-access, single-track haven for runners and hikers. Going to Boulder, CO? Chautauqua Park and dozens of trails are accessible in that area. If you are into the outdoors, hit up AllTrails or Gaia for suggestions. If your relatives have a bike that you can borrow, or you find a spot to rent one, research the local trail and road riding.


Online keyword searches can also reveal local gyms, fitness centers, pools, etc. You may find a local yoga or Pilates class worth checking out (Pro tip: Groupon can be a reliable source for discounted fitness classes while you are on the road). Planning these things into your holiday itinerary will help keep you accountable. It may be worthwhile to ask your local relatives if they have a guest pass to a local recreation center or gym (if your relatives are climbers, you may even be able to check out a climbing gym for a fun and free fitness activity).


UAC is a full-service fitness center with a complete aquatic center and instructor-led fitness classes in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Visit our website to learn more about who we are and what we do, and browse our blog for more fitness tips.